JWS - Journey to Wellness Scale


The Journey to Wellness Scale (JWS) is an 80-item social emotional learning (SEL) skills inventory that assess competencies across 10 psychological domain areas.  Using a web-based delivery application, and a reference group of about 1500 adults 18 yrs and older, the JWS provides a self-assessment of an individual’s SEL core competencies.  It offers an opportunity for an adult to review their JWS scores and reflect across the various areas.

Areas Assessed

The JWS SEL core competencies include.


Adaptability reflects a person’s ability to negotiate difficult situations as well as their preparedness for change, flexibility and acceptance.


Connectedness assesses a person’s perceptions of belonging and acceptance in their peer groups, family, and the community and highlights the importance of interpersonal relationships and positive psychological benefits of healthy relationships.


Conscientiousness relates to a person’s concern over personal choices and the assumption of responsibility for one’s actions.

Emotional Self-Regulation

Emotional Self-Regulation is a critical aspect of an individual’s functioning, contributing to success in many domains of behavior, particularly social competence. The inability to control one’s emotions has been associated with a host of impulse control disorders, and is seen as a major contributor to social conflicts.


Empathy is defined as “an affective response that stems from the apprehension or comprehension of another’s emotional state or condition, and which is identical or very similar to what the other person is feeling or would be expected to feel” (Eisenberg, 2003).


Mindfulness is an awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, sensations, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings of the moment with no judgement of right or wrong.


Optimism refers to hope and expectancies for the future, and relates closely to our personal explanations for events that occur in our daily lives and has consistently been linked to good mood, perseverance, achievement, and physical health.


Self-Efficacy refers to what we believe we can do, our belief that we are capable of producing our desired goals with our own actions.

Social Competence

Social Competence is a broad construct that incorporates affective, cognitive, and behavioral skills that combine to determine success in interpersonal relationships. Social competence is widely accepted as an important predictor of resilience in children, as well as academic achievement.

Forms & Levels

The JWS is delivered digitally through a web-based platform. Individuals request a link to complete the inventory or the inventory can be distributed with a link from a central data base (i.e list of faculty in a school, university, or organization).

Administration, Scoring & Reports

The JWS is administered using its own web-based platform. Scoring is also immediately available upon the submission of a completed rating (80 items). Individual scores are available only for the person completing the form. In an organizational setting, aggregate reports can be generated with no identifiable individual data. Please visit www.webacademy.us for samples of individual and aggregate reports.

Order the JWS

To use the JWS you will need a subscription to the JWS platform.  

Step 1
Complete the Contact Us form and indicate your interest in the CAWS

Review the Price Table below.

Step 3
Download, complete, and email the CAWS order form below to: help@edumetrisis.com


Word (.docx)


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