

The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2™) is a measure of behavioral functioning and social, emotional skills in children and adolescents ages pre-k to 18 years.

The BIMAS-2 is a brief, repeatable multi-informant (teachers, parents, self) measure of behavior/social emotional learning skills that is useful for universal screening, progress monitoring, outcome assessment, and program evaluation. The BIMAS-2 operates on a web-based platform with an online Data Management System with dynamic analysis, graphing and reporting options (see report samples below). This allows the manipulation of data in a variety of ways in real time to assist in evidence-based decision-making within an Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) framework.

The BIMAS-2 includes 34 change-sensitive items that integrate universal screening of behavior concerns and social emotional wellness, with seamless integration of progress monitoring of behavior and mental health related interventions. The BIMAS-2 change-sensitive items (analogous to the CBM with academic achievement) represent the ability of the BIMAS-2 to detect reliable change when interventions are implemented at the district and/or small group or individual student level. The items were developed and selected based on over 10 years of research and a scientific model for selecting items that are sensitive to change called Intervention Item Selection Rules (IISRs; Meier, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004). It is the only commercially available measure build from this perspective in mind from the grounds up.

The BIMAS-2 Flex Monitoring feature introduced in our early work represents the authors philosophy that a progress monitoring tool must be flexible to address the treatment monitoring needs of a student.  It is the student that should be the center of attention, not the tool., that is the tool should adopt to the needs of a progress monitoring plan, NOT forcing items/behaviors in a student’s plan (i.e selecting items from a screener or a diagnostic scale). In the BIMAS-2 the user can select our  recommended items with national/norm refenced data, but also create their own items and criteria to access the progress of an intervention incorporating input and data from multiple sources (teachers, parents, clinicians, the child) and other IEP or behavior intervention plans.

Universal Screening

Universal screening with the BIMAS-2 standard form allows a dual-view of data interpretation.  The Standard view offers a view of Behavior Concerns (Conduct, Negative Affect, Cognitive/Attention) and Adaptive skills (Social and Academic functioning).  The BIMAS-2 SEL offers a CASEL based view of the data with the five CASEL SEL scales of Self- Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making.  The BIMAS-2 screening data can be dynamically manipulated to describe performance at the district, building, classroom and teacher, and individual student level using a nationally representative normative group.  Screening accuracy data across all informants (Teachers, Parents, Students) demonstrate the BIMAS-2 exceptional sensitivity to celebrate the positive growth/development of students as well as detect students needing additional supports.

Unpacking the BIMAS-2 universal screening data

Progress Monitoring

You will find features of Progress Monitoring throughout the BIMAS-2.  Starting with the Universal Assessment process, the user/administrator can monitor the progress of the screening process.  In the data review process, when data exist across a few universal screening periods the BIMAS-2 generates reports across these periods. Reports can be generated ranging from individual student data to district, building, and classroom levels.  A visual presentation of progress with T-scores, colorful and simple to understand tables and graphs, is further enhanced with statistical comparisons (i.e. RCI-Reliable Change Index) to demonstrate the effect size of the changes occurring following an intervention.

Program Evaluation and Equity Analyses

The BIMAS-2 can be used to assess the effectiveness of interventions implemented (e.g. school-based mental health, special education programs provided on an individual or small group basis.  Numerous comparisons can be done on-line comparing groups across variables such as gender, race, ethnicity and more.  Data can be exported in CSV format for further statistical analysis.

Scales & Forms

The BIMAS is comprised of standard scales (BIMAS Standard) which can be used as a screening device, to collect baseline data at the beginning of intervention, and for periodical progress monitoring. The BIMAS also is comprised of a pool of items that can be used to develop customized behavioral intervention goals for frequent monitoring (BIMAS Flex).

BIMAS-2 Standard

Can be used as a brief screener, a tool for treatment monitoring, or for program evaluation (or combination).

Consists of 34 change-sensitive items on 5 subscales with forms for parents and teachers (ages pre-K to 18 years), and youth (ages 12-18 years) to complete with both standardized scale-level and item-level norms established from a U.S. national sample closely matching the census.

BIMAS-2 Flex

Distinct, more specific behavioral items (10-30) for each of the 34 BIMAS Standard form items on the 5 scales.

Both positively and negatively worded items to select from.

Assessors can customize treatment goals by selecting behaviors of concern and create mini-assessments for.

Interventions Plans can be saved and used again with other students, all with the flexibility to import them and save them for future use.

Frequent progress monitoring to assess change in behavioral concern or adaptive skills.

Assessors can make notes to describe specific behaviors, response to intervention, or to add other information about the student.

The BIMAS-2 Constructs and Scales

The BIMAS-2 Standard approach

• Conduct – anger management, bullying behaviors, substance abuse, deviance.
• Negative Affect – anxiety, depression.
• Cognitive/Attention – attention, focus, organization, planning, memory.
• Social Skills
• Academic Competence

Sample of Individual Student Report – Standard View

The BIMAS-2 SEL scales:

A CASEL framework representation of Behaviors 

Social Awareness
Responsible Decision Making


Sample of Individual Student Report – CASEL based view

Technical matters

Below are three chapters presenting the psychometric properties of the BIMAS. A complete Technical manual with case studies, report examples, Flex items, etc. is available at Learning Center

Our technical manuals are open for inspection and always free.

BIMAS_1 chapter 8 and 9

Development and Standardization

BIMAS_1 chapter 10


BIMAS_1 chapter 11



Training materials

 Please visit our  Learning Center  and review the various learning modules with video demonstrations as well as other resources. If we do not address your specific need on the use of a tool on any of the posted materials, do not hesitate to send us a brief email with your question and/or brief request at: help@edumetrisis.com

Free Trial

Graduate students in professional mental health related programs (i.e. Clinical, counseling, counselor education, school psychology, social work) who are in a practicum or internship course can contact us  and have a free trial of the BIMAS-2 under the auspices of their course and/or field supervisor. Download, print and have all needed signatures on the form, then email it to Edumetrisis. You will be notified when your account is set and ready to use.

Grad Students:
Get The Free Trial Form Here

Mental Health Colleagues:
Complete the Contact us form on the Home page and indicate your interest in having a trial for the BIMAS-2


The following individuals are involved in training and support of our products.

Jim L. McDougal, Psy.D.

Dr. James McDougal, co-author of the BIMAS-2 is an Associate Professor and Director of the School Psychology Program at the State University of New York at Oswego. Dr. McDougal teaches courses in assessment and intervention for academics and behavior, and consultation, and supervises field-based practicum and internship experiences. He is the former Mental Health Coordinator for the Syracuse City School District, where he integrated mental health services in the schools and provided mental health, behavioral, and academic consultation services to over forty schools and programs.

Dr. McDougal has 20 years of experience as a practicing school psychologist, and has considerable experience consulting students with academic and behavioral problems and conducting staff development for educators. He has conducted well over 200 training seminars at state and national forums in the areas of academic and behavioral assessment/intervention, and the implementation of response to intervention (RTI) models in the schools to improve the academic, behavioral, and socio-emotional functioning of students. Dr. McDougal also has a considerable record of scholarly publication, including two recently released co-authored books entitled A Practitioner’s Guide to Functional Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning in the Schools (McDougal, Chafouleas, & Waterman, 2006), and RTI in Practice: A Practical Guide to Implementing Effective Evidenced-Based Interventions in Your Schools” (McDougal, Graney, Wright, & Ardoin, 2009). In addition, he has published peer-reviewed articles in School Psychology Review, School Psychology Quarterly, Psychology in the Schools, the Canadian Journal of School Psychology, and the Communique.

Achilles N. Bardos, Ph.D.

Achilles N. Bardos, Ph.D., co-author of the BIMAS-2 is a graduate of The Ohio State Universityand served as a Professor in the Department of School Psychology at the University of NorthernColorado (1990-2021). Dr. Bardos’ teaching and research interests include educational and psychological assessment, program evaluation, and computer applications in psychology. He has published many articles and book chapters, and presented over 200 papers and workshops at national and international conferences. Dr. Bardos co-authored , the General Ability Measure for Adults (Naglieri & Bardos, 1997), a non-verbal intelligence test, the Draw A Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance (Naglieri, McNeish, & Bardos, 1991), and the Basic Achievement Skills Inventory–Comprehensive and Survey (BASI, 2004), a series of self-administered achievement tests that can be used in schools and other settings such as corrections, public safety, and other personnel selection areas. Currently, Dr. Bardos is also co-authoring the forensic-Reading Competency Inventories (f-RCI), a series of reading vocabulary tests especially designed to assist with a client’s reading comprehension skills in a personality evaluation (Bardos, A. N. & Naglieri, J. A., in press).

Scott T. Meier, Ph.D.

Scott T. Meier, co-author of the BIMAS-2 is a Professor at the University at Buffalo in the Department of Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology. Dr. Meier is also a licensed psychologist who received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Dr. Meier focuses his research and teaching on psychological measurement (particularly outcome assessment), research methods (particularly program evaluation), and counseling skills (particularly the integration of case conceptualization and assessment with intervention).

Dr. Meier has conducted numerous program evaluations and has worked with organizations such as the Veterans Administration, Child and Adolescent Treatment Services of Western New York, the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and numerous school systems in Western and Central New York. Dr. Meier is a member of the American Evaluation Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Psychological Association of Western New York.

Dr. Meier is either the author or co-author of five books (including Measuring Change in Counseling and Psychotherapy and Elements of Counseling) and has published work in the American Psychologist, Canadian Journal of School Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, and the American Journal of Evaluation.

BIMAS-2 price list

To purchase the BIMAS-2 please complete the BIMAS-2 PURCHASE FORM and email it to us. If you have never completed a Qualification Form for Edumetrisis products, please do so as well. (Get form here) and email it as well to help@edumetrisis.com

Pricing information

Product name/service Price
BIMAS one time account set-up fee; Includes access to the BIMAS Technical manual in PDF form; an orientation webinar; $150.00
BIMAS Annual Site Maintenance Agreement. Maintains the history of all your student data records $150.00
BIMAS Annual minimum purchase of 25 Student/clients (licenses) $100.00

Licenses Cost and Volume Discounts:

Licenses/students Cost per license/student All prices are in in US Dollars
1 – 4,999 $ 4.00
5,000 – 9,999 $ 3.95
10,000 – 19,999 $ 3.85
19,999 – 29,999 $ 3.70
30,000 – 39,999 $ 3.50
40,000 – 49,999 $ 3.00
50,000 and more $ 2.50
Server BIMAS 2

Server Solutions

Custom installation of the BIMAS-2 platform on dedicated servers  along with additional needed features (when possible) are available.  Please discuss these options with our team (help@edumetrisis.com) to receive a quote for these specialized services.


For more information on BIMAS-2

Contact Us